Judiciary & Courts


Enable participants to understand the principles of interpretation of legal text and how to analyze legal text in a particular context


Employees in specialised positions in legal departments.

1. The fundamental principles of legal interpretation.

  • The principles of legal interpretation and implications.
  • Types of legal interpretation and their importance.
  • Doctrines of interpretation.
  • Types of legal interpretation, authorized bodies and the extent of mandatory opinions (legislative interpretation, judicial
    interpretation, jurisprudence interpretation, and administrative interpretation.

2.Rules of Legal interpretation and its mechanisms.

  • Cases that require interpretation.
  • The scope of diligence required when interpreting Legal text.
  • The most important mechanisms and methods of interpretation.
  • Legal frameworks to be considered when interpreting Legal text.

3.Interpreting legal text and applying the law to the facts.

  • Analysis of the legal problem. text.
  • Determine the applicable legal text.
  • Apply the legal interpretation of the text to the facts.
  • How to draft a memorandum setting out a legal opinion.

4.Interpreting legal text and applying the law to the facts.

  • Review and discuss the most common mistakes made in legal interpretation with a practical workshop to develop the
    participants’ interpretation and analysis skills.


  • Enable participants to become familiar with the judicial system in the Sultanate of Oman and the legal status of officers
    who have powers of seizure in the judicial system.
  • Enable participants to deepen their knowledge of the nature of the relationship between seizure officers and the Public
    Prosecutor, cases dealing with breaches and how to document them and preserve evidence.
  • Enable participants to demonstrate awareness of his role as judicial officer, and positive attitude of cooperation andintegration into the judicial system.


Employees who have powers of judicial seizure.


  • The Judicial System in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • The Judicial Police’s response to violations.
  • Sound practice in control and control violations.


  • Recognize the judicial system in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • Determine the legal status of employees empowered to perform judicial seizures.
  • Demonstrate their ability to recognize their area of competence, based on objective and legal criteria.
  • Carry out the proper control of violations in accordance with the law.
  • Show their awareness of their role in achieving the objectives of the judicial police.
  • Demonstrate their positive attitudes of cooperation and integration within the judicial control structures.
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